miércoles, 31 de enero de 2018



The reader of this week is about metacognitive strategies. 
Something I learned and that I immediately wanted to share with a colleague was how it had a impact with the students. This article was very interesting as well because we are learning how to change a class being students can chance the way the class works and the thoughts of the students while they are in class
I think is important that the students can think by themselves about something to do in a class for example they can have initiative to make they own ideas to organize a work. If a teacher uses ITC tools in their class the students will be able to do that.

The metacognitive lesson and the use of ITC can make great lessons because if the teacher uses ITC he/she can play with images, videos and so, making interactive and interesting lessons; one of the goals that every teacher should have is to get the attention of their students so they can make a good class using ITC and their own ideas at the end the teacher is going to win the attention of the students and also the students learn more and can retain more in their minds. ITC has a positive challenge because in order to learn how to use ITC the teachers had to go through a process which makes the teacher better at their job.

In conclusion I think ITC is a very helpful tool that should be use in most of the classes because it helps to create an easier learning process. That is my point of view about the use of ITC.

martes, 23 de enero de 2018

Week 1 
Technology in our world 

This week we read an article about the world of technology basically the most important parts, the benefits and so on.
For me the part most important in this reader is how they describe this words CALL ( computer assisted language learning) how this envolved the softwares which were amazing in spite of the few technology in those years. There are many interesting things to mention about it for example the worked with programs or interactive videos that used to facilitate people understanding. In addition, this tool it is very useful for teaching. Also, these articles talkin about ICT ( information and communication technologies) this tool helps for teacher who taught  the second language because teachers used this teaching style to out of the routine. One of the most commond advantage that we have now it is the facility of internet also, we can use laptops our own cellphones and inside of this tools we can have a dictionary or other tool to made our class very interesting. Because of that the use of the technology its very important now a days because our world are grow up and that means technology grow with it. For us, as a teachers this ICT are a good way form to made more easy and funny our job.

In conclusion, those articles have had a good information, but in the present we know that very well because everybody has a god tool to develop this ICT. I think the most important think it is practice more and  share this ideas, and teach how the technology have to use to do not waste the information that we have already.